At Shimmer one can see a large scale wallpaper of The Bookshop Piece installed at Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in 1996. It shows someone walking past the back side of the artwork that looks like a box. The right side of the image is black due to a technical mistake of the photographer. But we see a small part of a drawing, supposedly, as the artists remembered, by Dutch architect Ad van der Steur from the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum archive. It was installed right next to The Bookshop Piece. At the time, this drawing was brought to the artists by the conservator of the print collection of the museum, and it accompanied The Bookshop Piece for three months.
Where is that drawing that Bik Van der Pol remember as a drawing of a conservator sitting behind his desk, amidst his exhibition? That image that shows how a museum may function if the desk is in the space, and the curator part of the show. Where is it? Does it really exist? Can we return to the memory of the institution, what traces are kept there?
Obviously the drawing must have returned into the archive after the installation was taken down.